I am not a runner. In fact, when I went to the running store two weeks ago to buy new sneakers, I emphatically told the employee, "I am running in the Cherry Blossom Ten Mile, but I'm not a runner or anything". And the truth is, I wasn't a runner. I didn't look forward to running the trails near our apartment in Virginia, and I often stood on the side of the track while Mark ran (and fast).
This past fall, I knew I needed to find a mental and physical challenge to compete with the various other challenges in life. I needed something to focus on, to aspire to and to complete.
I am generally competitive by nature, but the only person I have been competing with has been me. Over the course of the last two months, during my training program, I have gone from dreading the 3 miles I needed to run, to saying now, "Oh, it's just three miles."
Before I ever started running I told myself that if I ran 5 miles my gift to myself would be the Maniac pumps from Brian Atwood, it is no longer about the shoes. It is about knowing that I set a goal, I went after it, and in a few days I will do it. I am not running for time, I am running for me.
I'll report back on Monday with the results.
If you need a reason to take on a new challenge, the reason should be because you can, and so you have to.
You always achieve your goals! So proud of you!